Tuned Shortcuts

Tuned Shortcuts
by ffx
This is a collection of shortcuts aiming at a faster and more simple keyboard based editing and recording workflow. It also provides you with alternatives to the vanilla shortcuts. And some mixing tools.
Here is a list of the provided shortcuts including a short description for each:
"Pattern Editor:Track:Unsolo all tracks",
"Mixer:Track Control:Unsolo all tracks"
Unsolos all tracks. Like click on master track.
"Pattern Editor:Track:Unsolo/solo group/track and children"
"Mixer:Track Control:Unsolo/solo group/track and children"
Unsolos / solos the selected track, and if it is a group, also it's subtracks. Made for new solo mode in options.
"Pattern Editor:Track:Unmute/mute group/track and children"
"Mixer:Track Control:Unmute/mute group/track and children"
Unmutes / mutes the selected track, and if it is a group, also it's subtracks. Made for old mute mode in options.
"Pattern Editor:Track:Solo group,track and children/Unsolo all tracks"
"Mixer:Track Control:Solo group,track and children/Unsolo all tracks"
Solos the selected track, and if it is a group, also it's subtracks. If the selected track is already soloed, it will then unsolo all tracks! For single shortcut usage.
These shortcuts are available for different scopes, which means it is available for the pattern editor and the mixer view at once. So you can bind the same key for both scopes (or more even).
"Pattern Editor:Tools:Render Scale"
Will render the actual notes of the selected scale + scale key into the pattern. If a note has no instrument value, the last value will be used (lame workaround). The scale/key of the instrument number of the note will be used. DOES NOT WORK FOR PHRASES, only for instruments using a "fake" C-4 in the phrase. See below.
"Instrument Box:Tools:Insert Fake C4 Phrase"
Also available in instrument's context menu. Simply will crate a fake "C-4" note phrase, looping disabled. This is necessary in case you want to use scales as a note filter (even for written notes), without using phrases.
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome"
Toggle edit mode + metronome at once
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome & Precount"
Toggle edit mode + metronome + precount at once. If you need record with pre count, press ESC and then SPACE. If you need record without pre count, simply press SPACE and then ESC.
"Global:Transport:Alternative Block Playing"
"Global:Transport:Alternative Block Playing (no stop)"
Starts to play from current line in block loop mode, on next key-press, block mode will be deactivated again. No stop variant, if you prefer not to stop playback on disabling.
"Global:Transport:Alternative Pattern Playing"
"Global:Transport:Alternative Pattern Playing (no stop)"
Starts to play in pattern loop mode or enables pattern looping while playing. On next key-press, it deactivates pattern loop mode again. If block playing is enabled, it will be disabled.
"Global:Transport:Decrease edit & quantization step"
"Global:Transport:Increase edit & quantization step"
Increase / decrease edit step and quantization step at once. edit step = 0 means disabling quantization, anything above 0 will enable quantization (always wondered why edit step and quantization step is not the same...)
Stepping goes in these steps: 0,1,2,3...8 then 8,10,...16 then 16,20,....64
"Global:Tools:Mono check"
Enables / disables master mono check.
"Global:Tools:Side check"
Enables / disables master side check.
Shortcuts with temporary pattern expansion for higher recording precision, if you usually use LPB < 32. You can setup the desired target temporary LPB in main.lua by changing the variable "TunedShortcuts.expandMinimumLPB" (default is 32). It will be then calculated by current LPB and Renoise limitations like pattern size not larger than 512 etc.
The other edit mode shortcuts will disable this mode after enabling, too. Borrowed expansion/shrinking code from dblue's pattern resizer tool.
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome & Expand"
Toggle edit mode + metronome at once. Expands pattern as long as record is enabled.
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome & Precount & Expand"
Toggle edit mode + metronome + precount at once. If you need record with pre count, press ESC and then SPACE. If you need record without pre count, simply press SPACE and then ESC. Expands pattern as long as record is enabled.
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome & Expand & No Quant"
Toggle edit mode + metronome at once. Expands pattern as long as record is enabled. Disables quantization while recording enabled. For faster workflow. Do quantization afterwards manually instead, since live quantization tends to mess up timing.
"Global:Transport:Toggle Edit Mode & Metronome & Precount & Expand & No Quant"
Toggle edit mode + metronome + precount at once. If you need record with pre count, press ESC and then SPACE. If you need record without pre count, simply press SPACE and then ESC. Expands pattern as long as record is enabled. For faster workflow. Do quantization afterwardsmanually instead, since live quantization tends to mess up timing.
Hit one of these shortcuts. Pattern will be expanded as much as possible. Record notes per midi. Disable record mode thru one of the recording shortcuts provide by this tool (so pattern will be shrunk again). For automation, activate one of these shortcuts, then move the desired slider with right mouse or thru midi controller and deactivate thru one of the tool's shortcuts, to get back to your original LPB.
Renoise Version | Release Date | |
ffx.tools.TunedShortcuts V1.00 | 3.1 | Feb 1st, 2018 |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
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