
Tuned Shortcuts

This is a collection of shortcuts aiming at a faster and more simple keyboard based editing and recording workflow. It also provides you with alternatives to the vanilla shortcuts. And some mixing tools.


A helper for when you are mixing and want to zoom in on the details of a particular track, as an alternative to full solo.

GUI has:
1) [BPM Buttons]

to speed or slow the BPM by 30. The original song BPM is shown in the text above.

2) Track selection popup

choose track you wish to solo

3) [Spotlight Solo button]:

Device Sergeant

Device Sergeant allows you to to have macro style control of all devices in the mixer of the same name.

To Use

Open the tool and navigate to the device you want to use as a master device. You can rename all devices that already share the same name using the text field. Alternatively name a few by hand to group them together for the tool. (devices must be of the same type)

Send mixer

This tool gives you a mixer to control all your send levels:

Menu : Tools:Ledger`s Scripts:Send Mixer

Shortcut : Global:Tools: Send Mixer

To use:

1) Choose target send track from switcher on top left.

2) Move sliders and send devices are automatically added if not already present

3) Navigate tracks by pressing the blank square buttons (left of `S` buttons). They light up green when a track is selected

4) solo tracks with the `S` buttons


This tool can automatically detect and correct a large number of issues in Renoise instruments. It has been designed for content-creation, and is meant to be used as one of the last steps before publishing.

Here is the complete list of issues that the tool is aware of:

Place Selected Notes Evenly

Distributes the notes evenly in a selection block. Useful for quickly positioning notes in a rhythm (triplets, generating polyrhythm et c). A quick video demonstration is available at

"Place notes evenly" under "selection" when right clicking the pattern editor.

Pattern editor:Selection:Place notes evenly

Automation Single Slider

Write automation envelopes with the large rotary (also MIDI mappable) . Popup menus select the device and parameter that you want to automate. There is a third popup which lists the already automated parameters for quick selection too.

All parameter selections are synced with the renoise automation list.

The [+] button adds a new `Instrument Automation Device` in the dsp lane, for the currently selected instrument. If there is already one present then that will become selected, without the a new device being added.

Quick Vol AHDSR

An alternative mini GUI to access an Attack,Hold,Decay,Sustain,Release (AHDSR) envelope in the renoise sampler.

What it`s for

Go To Send Track

This tool works by adding menu entries to the DSP lanes/ Mixer for navigating to and from the send tracks.

1. If you have a send device on a track, select it then right-click for menu. You should see an entry:
~ Go to Send

Click it and you will be taken to the send track the device is routed to.

2. On any send track that has a send device routed to it, right-click on the DSP lane and you should have a list of all the tracks with those sends. Choose the one you want and you will be taken to that track/ send device. The entries will look something like this:

Note Properties

This tool gives you extra controls to manipulate the currently selected note and its properties. It is useful for visual feedback and fine adjustments of values via the mouse.

The renoise keyboard shortcut to use the tool is:

Tools: ~Note Properties

This can be assigned via the renoise preferences, found in the renoise edit menu.


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