
Missing Plugins Info Simplified

This tool adds an alternative entry to the Song Menu for listing missing song plugins.

It gives a simplified list of FX plugins (listed one time each) with no track info listed either, for easier visual scanning vs the renoise native feature.

Known issue: Will list any user added text dividers in the instrument list as the tool has to check for text with no plug or sample slots present to ‘guess’ that it is a missing plug.

-Missing Instruments should be found better now

GUI Automation Recorder

This tool adds the ability to record mouse movements from controls of VST plugins’ GUIs (instruments and fx).

Automation Single Slider

Write automation envelopes with the large rotary (also MIDI mappable) . Popup menus select the device and parameter that you want to automate. There is a third popup which lists the already automated parameters for quick selection too.

All parameter selections are synced with the renoise automation list.

The [+] button adds a new `Instrument Automation Device` in the dsp lane, for the currently selected instrument. If there is already one present then that will become selected, without the a new device being added.


Locate and lock plugin parameter names that seem to have no direct connection to their native GUI controller name or save yourself the hassle of browse through thousands of parameter sliders for midi mapping in DSP devices and filter directly desirable controllers to map using the mixer-view mini sliders.

Filter specific parameters of DSP vst's from thousands of parameter names (show them in the mixer dsp view and quickly midi map them in there).

Tags: Vst, Vsti, plugins, DSP
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