Renoise Team


xRules is a OSC+MIDI rewriting utility for Renoise. It allows to transform, route and otherwise change incoming messages as they arrive. Although a very powerful tool, xRules has been designed with efficiency and ease of use in mind.

xRules support a wide variety of MIDI messages, including ones not recognized by Renoise itself. For example, you can receive 14-bit MIDI via multibyte CC messages, Pitch Bend or NRPN.


PhraseMate aims to make it more convenient to work with phrases in Renoise, particularly if you prefer a keyboard-centric workflow. Copy phrases into the pattern editor, or vice versa, and make the tool insert "set phrase" commands (Zxx) automatically as you are entering notes into a song.

Source and documentation

Visit github to view the full documentation (also included with the download):


xStream can generate and transform musical data, using a subset of the lua language. The tool supports real-time operation as well as offline processing.


Information and source code is available on github


This tool works by slicing a sample into smaller segments when the signal is crossing the zero threshold (also known as a 'zero crossing').

Use it to create raw wavetable materials, or generate microtonal harmonics from pretty much any type of sound.
Instructions are provided with the tool (click the 'Help' button)


This tool is deprecated - Renoise 3.1 has this feature built-in

The instrument in Renoise 3 has a feature which is well and truly hidden:
It supports comments and tags, both will be saved along with the instrument just fine.
It's just that we didn't have any way to view or edit those comments or tags - until now!

The tool is simple to use - drag to install the xrnx, then right-click any instrument to view/edit
(the dialog will automatically update as you switch between instruments)


Xrni-Merger is an "instrument asset manager", designed to make it easy to copy assets from one instrument into another. That would include modulation sets, effect chains, phrases and samples.

To make it more awesome, it does a lot of stuff behind the scenes. If you for example select a single sample that makes use of an effect chain that in turn send audio to another chain, this is detected by the tool and you can then choose to reconstruct the entire 'network' in the target instrument.


Noodletrap is a tool that allows easy and precise recording of PC/MIDI keyboards without having to "make room" for a recording - recordings are instead stored within the instrument itself, using instrument phrases.


Information about the tool is located on github

Render Song to Soundcloud

A simple interface to the SoundCloud Desktop Sharing Kit (bundled with the Tool, no need to download it yourself). Creates "Render Song to SoundCloud..." in the File menu. Renders a 32bit WAV with the same sample rate as your current settings, cubic interpolation.

This only works on Windows and Mac. Sorry Linux users but there's no SoundCloud Desktop Sharing Kit for your platform (yet?)


New in version 0.4:

Update Checker

Update Checker is a drop-in replacement for Renoise's built-in "Check for Updates..." menu item. This Tool allows you to search for product updates from within Renoise.

Instrument Shortcuts Additions

Simply adds a few extra shortcuts to the instrument editor list
These are the extra shortcuts (and where you can find them):
Instrument Box:Navigation:Select previous sample
Instrument Box:Navigation:Select next sample
Instrument Box:Edit:Move sample up
Instrument Box:Edit:Move sample down
Instrument Box:Edit:Insert new sample
Instrument Box:Edit:Delete sample
Instrument Box:Edit:Rename sample
Instrument Box:Edit:Clear sample


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