


  • Enter automation parameter values as keyboard "notes"
  • Several note-to-value mapping options including exact note-to-frequency matching for several effects.
    Linear mode
    • Linear mapping - scales low-C on the keyboard to the "L" value and high-C on the keyboard to the "H" value
    Exact note to frequency mapping (e.g. enter "A-4" and the freq is 440Hz)
    • Renoise 22050 - Renoise native effects: Filter, RingMod, Scream Filter
    • Renoise 11020 - Renoise native effect: Comb Filter
    • DtBlkFx Freq - DtBlkFx FreqA/FreqB params (shameless plug: DtBlkFx is my VST plugin - get from
    Relative shift (shift is in semitones away from "mid-C")
    • +/- 3 Octaves relative - DtBlkFx Shift, Resample & HarmShift value param.
  • Familiar keyboard editing of points (i.e. similar to the pattern editor - arrows/insert/delete/backspace)

Use the DtBlkFx pitch-shifter to create a tune or "play" the Renoise comb-filter. It's fun to make synthesizers out of various effects or use pitch shift tunes for new textures.

Start tool by selecting "AutomationMate..." from the Automation pop-up menu (or bind to a global key like "k" for keyboard goodness)


Renoise VersionRelease Date
dot.dotdot.AutomationMate V1.002.8Sep 28th, 2012

Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.

Tags: Automation

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