Artist In:Depth - Hitori Tori Talks Renoise Live Tricks

Hitori Tori, a.k.a. Canadian Renoise veteran Julian La Brooy has been kicking up a stir lately with his impressive videos of innovative Renoise jamming. See Hitori Tori - Renoise Techniques for some examples. We decided to get in touch for a little interview that should hopefully provide some more insight into his working process.


Renoise 2.6 Beta Testing Starts - Renoise Geek Edition

The first Renoise 2.6 beta releases can be downloaded at the Renoise Backstage.


Monitoring For Gold: Triangulation For Final Mix Translation

Nod your head if you've ever gone through this: You've made a fabulous tune and stayed up all night mixing until it sounds really pro. You drop a copy to mp3, go to your friend's place and play it to them. Out of the speakers pours the most embarrassing mess of sonic sludge ever accidentally spewed forth by the gods of low fidelity!


Avoid clipping in your final mix

So you've created an absolutely banging tune and it is time to give it a final polish making it ready for mastering. But, the little clipping indicator has been lighting up while your song plays, perhaps so much so the sound of your mix sounds rough and undesirably ugly. No good in having an amazing song if the final mix sounds like a fudged up mess! It is general practice to have a really clean final mix so everything is ready for mastering (more on mastering later). This article will help you aim for a final mix that is nice and clean so it at least avoids clipping.


Renoise 2.5.1 - Maintenance update for Windows 7

A small maintenance update for Windows 7 was released: Renoise 2.5.1 fixes problems with UAC on Windows 7, with the latest security patches installed.


Renoise 2.5 Goes Gold

Renoise 2.5

Another round of beta testing has passed, a brand new stable and rock solid Renoise is ready for production.


Renoise 2.5 Demo Version downloads available

The first Release Candidate of Renoise 2.5 is now available. Release Candidates are the last steps before declaring the version Final.

That means if you are an unregistered user, you can finally download the demo. Together with the registered users we have intensively tested and finetuned the release during the last months. So we expect it to be rock solid.


Remixta Episode 7

Remixta exclusively features works from the Renoise community. Podcast Number 7 is now avilable at:

Category: back online after being attacked

On Friday the 8th of January 2010, was targeted by hackers.

To prevent any further harm, we immediately shut down the server. We then carefully analyzed what exactly had happened since the attack. This is why the website was down for so long.


Remixta 6 - Live Internet Radio Show, Saturday 16:00 GMT

You may have missed your chance to witness it live, but fortunately it has been recorded: Remixta First Time Live - Episode 6.



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