Synchronize Modulation DSPs


This tool allows you to set the rate parameter of the Chorus, Flanger and Phaser effects in lines per cycle and the frequency of the LFO device in Hz. Tempo synced modulation is now much easier possible. Do a right click on one of the supported DSPs in the device chain or mixer to access the menu.

Keyboard shortcuts:

NUMPAD 0 = set input value to current pattern length
ARROW UP/DOWN = adjust input value in small steps
PAGE UP/DOWN = adjust input value in bigger steps
HOME/END = min/max input value
ENTER = set input value
ESC = close dialog


Version 1.4
- small fix for Renoise 3.1 only, Phaser rate parameter name changed

Version 1.3
- compatibility with Renoise 3 (requires Renoise 3.0.1)
- menu works now for effects used in the sampler

Version 1.2
- menu can now be accessed from the mixer view too
- included manual

Version 1.1
- LFO device can be set in Hz now

Version 1.0
- initial release


Renoise VersionRelease Date
AS.Beatslaughter.SyncModDSPs V1.202.7Dec 12th, 2011
AS.Beatslaughter.SyncModDSPs V1.202.8Dec 12th, 2011
AS.Beatslaughter.SyncModDSPs V1.303.0Oct 15th, 2014
AS.Beatslaughter.SyncModDSPs V1.403.1Apr 5th, 2016

Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.

Tags: Utility, DSP

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