Midi Convert w/ extended export

Extended version of conner_bw's original midi convert tool, including danoise's additions from 2017. It extends the export of the tool, including pitchbend, aftertouch, vsti parameter and midi cc automation, which makes it very handy to convert your song to common pianoroller daws.
Original tool: https://www.renoise.com/tools/midi-convert
Danoise changes: https://github.com/renoise/xrnx/commits/master/Tools/com.renoise.MidiCon...
Includes the following additions to the export of the tool:
- midi control device automation support -> MIDI CC 21 - 31 (max. 10 parameters per instrument)
- instr. automation device support -> MIDI CC 103 - 113 (max. 10 parameters per instrument)
- pattern midi pitchbend
- pattern midi pitchbend -> MIDI CC 20 (for DAWs not supporting pitchbend import…)
- pattern channel aftertouch
- pattern channel aftertouch -> MIDI CC 102 (for DAWs not supporting pressure import…)
- sequence slot mute support
- sequence slot mute -> note off support
- corrected LPB
- Track names also contain Renoise track names
- Numbering is now in Hex
- Sequence comments -> marker support (buggy, actually didn’t find a DAW supporting it at import)
- Actual midi channel used now
- Instr.-/midi-/plugin-transpose support
You can then copy the automation from the imported MIDI CC lane to the correct VSTi’s automation lane.
Keep in mind the following limitations/requirements before exporting a song:
- Only use one instrument per track
- Always use only one midi control device and one instr. automation device per instrument
- Put the devices always onto the track where the instrument plays
- Max. 10 automated parameters in automation devices, position doesn’t matter
- Always start with the first instrument at position 00, don’t leave an instrument slot empty
- Try to end all notes with note-off somewhere at least. You also can use a following muted slot.
Still alpha. Please deactivate the original com.renoise.midiconvert tool, before using this one. For bug reports, send me a message @ffx in the forum.
Renoise Version | Release Date | |
com.renoisehackers.MidiConvertExtended V0.10 | 3.2 | Mar 8th, 2020 |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
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