

ScaleMate offers quick access to the built-in instrument scales in Renoise, organized by the number of notes.

If the user-interface is visible, the currently set scale and key are shown there. Push a button to select. Alternatively, use the available keyboard shortcuts / MIDI mappings.

Whenever you select a scale or key, you can tell ScaleMate to write this into the pattern (technically, a MIDI command). This also works while recording, and allows you to switch scales on the fly.

scl to xrni

Choose from over 4000 Scala tuning files and apply them to Renoise instruments for alternative scales and microtonal tunings.

Scale Mapper

Radically alter the way you play your Renoise Instruments! Create tunings for your Renoise Instruments, lock them to a scale and turn individual notes into Chords that are also locked to the same scale.

New in version 2.2:
- Scale preset feature with 42 built in presets.
- Base note feature, play chords in D Major, E minor or whatever scale and key combination you want.
- Quick set feature for Octave, Chord key and Chord Octave. Set all 12 notes with one click.
- GUI tweaks

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