Submitted by
bantai on October 13, 2009 - 10:02
The "optimize your song like hell" aka Renoise/Indamixx/CDM compo has a new name; The Efficient Music Competition. We have just opened a new mini-site on, where you can upload and download songs, discuss optimization techniques and vote for competition entries - in a special kind of way.
Submitted by
conner_bw on September 27, 2009 - 14:06
Submitted by
bantai on September 22, 2009 - 20:28
Trackers have always been about getting the most out of little. Big productions from tiny bed rooms. Epic songs in kilobytes rather than megabytes. And most importantly, all that through your personal computer instead of a multi-million dollar studio.
Lately we've been spoiled with elaborate plugins, unlimited channels and an ever more powerful growing CPU. At the cost of the true ninja tracker spirit.
Submitted by
bantai on March 30, 2009 - 11:50
The Immortal Empire - Renoise Music Competition has come to an end. The winners are: Jacek Dojwa, Frej Bjon, and Bence Tasnadi. Congratulations! They receive $300, $200, and $100 (USD) respectively and will have their music featured in the upcoming role playing game Immortal Empire.
The response to the compo was immense, with participants sending in over 50 great songs. Immortal Empire's developer Tactic Studios has ranked and reviewed all songs: Compo results and comments.
Submitted by
bantai on February 2, 2009 - 00:29
To celebrate the launch of Renoise 2.0, the teams from Renoise and Tactic Studios are announcing the start of the official Immortal Empire - Renoise Music Competition. The objective of the competition is to score music for the upcoming MMORPG Immortal Empire. The game is a turn-based strategic RPG set in a fantasy world.
Submitted by
bantai on November 18, 2008 - 09:24
The deadline of the Renoise 2 Beta Competition has passed. We have received a fair amount of pretty good songs and we are currently deciding on a winner.
In the previous post about the compo I promised a public Renoise 2.0 RC1 demo. Unfortunately at this time the demo has been delayed for about 1 week. Beta 6 will be released shortly.
Submitted by
bantai on October 30, 2008 - 17:48
Renoise 2 Beta 5 is now available for all registered users. This will be the last Beta before moving on to the first public Release Candidate. Beta 5 contains several fixes and new features. For a detailed overview of the new features in Renoise 2 check out the What's New section.
Submitted by
bantai on October 14, 2008 - 00:27
Renoise 2.0 is shaping up quite nicely. Its new timing features help you get a more natural and organic sound. But, we need a really good demo song for when Renoise 2 goes public. One that makes you say: "Wow, that wasn't possible with Renoise before!"

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