RubberBand-Aid: Timeshift, Pitch Correction, and Multisample Builder

A full-featured frontend for the Rubber Band time stretching and pitch manipulation library that provides the ability to time-stretch or pitch correct any sample or selection thereof, and includes a multisample generator for building sample-based instruments that maintain attack, decay, and vibrato across the entire keyboard. Well-documented, with intuitive keyboard shortcuts for making edits FAST.
- Time stretch any selection to any arbitrary length
- Pitch shift any selection by any arbitrary amount
- Support for sample SELECTIONS
- Simple and advanced views show the detail level and control you want
- Automatically shifts loop points when stretching audio inside of a looped region
- Supports experimental rubberband options for deep dives into customizing the sound you want.
- Windows and Mac binaries are included, with the option to point to your own compiled/installed version.
Adds RubberBand-Aid menu entries to the Waveform view of the Sample Editor:
- Time Stretch...
- Pitch Shift...
- Build Multisample Instrument...
- Configuration...
v0.7: 2020-06-01
- Fixed path issues on Windows
- Windows tested workingv0.6: 2020-05-19
- Improved status messaging
- Added coroutines to help keep UI from locking up during long operations
- Improved codebase
- Fixed: Incorrectly shifted loop points when timestretching
- Fixed: Loop mode reset for some pitch shifted samples
- Fixed: UI issues with button disabling and status text
Renoise Version | Release Date | |
com.dlt.RubberBandAid V0.70 | 3.2 | Jun 1st, 2020 |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
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