CDP Interface

The Composers Desktop Project (CDP) is a collection of command line sound editing and transformation functions that can be run from the terminal. This tool provides an interface to these processes and integrates them into a Renoise workflow.
There are a wide variety of processes including sound morphing, combining, convolving, granular processing etc. Over 800 processes are supported by this tool which includes the vast majority of processes offered by CDP.
The CDP processes must be installed first for this tool to work, these can be found here:
For the rest of the installation please refer to the attached Installation Guide.
More Information
The CDP forum is available for discussions about the CDP software:
EmreK has covered the CDP tool extensively in his sound design tutorials, these are highly recommended and a good place to start learning how to use CDP:
This tool was also covered in the CDM Blog:
For Linux users a useful guide has been written by Dave Phillips that shows you how to compile the CDP source code and set it up: (even if you don't use Linux this is still worth a read)
The idea for this tool came from Djeroek (JTPE) who then helped me develop it further through feature design, testing and development of over 800 process definitions. This tool is ultimately a collaboration between us and you can read about the history on the JTPE blog:
Thanks to everyone at CDP for making it available for free:
Finally a big thanks to Trevor Wishart who created CDP and developed many of the processes:
Renoise Version | Release Date | ||
com.afta8.CdpInterface V0.68 | 3.1 | Dec 3rd, 2016 | |
CDPTool-InstallationGuide.pdf | Documentation |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
Liability exclusion: "You are about to download and install software from a third-party provider. This software was not developed by Renoise and is listed here in a summarised form purely as a convenience for our users. Renoise takes no responsibility for any malfunction, incompatibility, or damage caused by or otherwise arising from the use of the software. In the case of problems with the installation or use of the software, please contact the relevant developer."
Haftungsausschluss: "Sie sind dabei, eine Anwendung (Software) von einem Drittanbieter herunterzuladen oder zu installieren. Diese Software stammt nicht von Renoise und wird hier lediglich als Service für den Benutzer zusammenfassend übersichtlich dargestellt. Renoise haftet nicht für Fehlfunktionen, Beschädigungen, Inkompatibilitäten oder sonstige Schäden, die von dieser Software ausgehen oder sonst verursacht werden. Sollten während der Installation oder Benutzung der Software Probleme auftreten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Hersteller."