Almost Drums

AlmostDrums is a tool for creating drum samples.
Three basic algorithms for creating kick, snare and hihat are functional.
The fourth algorithm uses the Karplus-Strong adapted for the creation of "drum" sounds.
With a short source and a longer sample, you can still create a "string" sound.
initial release
master volume for all
volume for noise and drum in snare section
fixed bug in kick selector
fixed wrong samplerate + changed bitrate.
now all samples will be 44100 / 16 instead of 8000 / 32 :)
added selectable kick wave
hihat section has two models
added cymbal a claps section
added randomizer
added Morpher, Randomizer little bro.
rewrite Claps section with new DAD (Delay, Attack, Decay) envelope gen.
white noise generation in Claps now use Bernouli probability
added saturation on master
v0.06 quick bug fix
fixed bug when manual change of sample length was not treated / Djeroek /
Temporary disabled "realtime" render from 0.06.
Minor gui changes.
Added some filters (comb, reverb like something)
Added new section "Glockenspiel & Gong"
"Glockenspiel & Gong" renamed to "Bell & Gong"
Changes in "Bell & Gong" section, new effect flow.
Added experimental Glitch section "too much rand()" version.
a few bugs were fixed but others were added.
Pls use tool from this link
Renoise Version | Release Date | |
cz.martblek.AlmostDrums V0.08 | 3.3 | Dec 8th, 2022 |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
Liability exclusion: "You are about to download and install software from a third-party provider. This software was not developed by Renoise and is listed here in a summarised form purely as a convenience for our users. Renoise takes no responsibility for any malfunction, incompatibility, or damage caused by or otherwise arising from the use of the software. In the case of problems with the installation or use of the software, please contact the relevant developer."
Haftungsausschluss: "Sie sind dabei, eine Anwendung (Software) von einem Drittanbieter herunterzuladen oder zu installieren. Diese Software stammt nicht von Renoise und wird hier lediglich als Service für den Benutzer zusammenfassend übersichtlich dargestellt. Renoise haftet nicht für Fehlfunktionen, Beschädigungen, Inkompatibilitäten oder sonstige Schäden, die von dieser Software ausgehen oder sonst verursacht werden. Sollten während der Installation oder Benutzung der Software Probleme auftreten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Hersteller."