Press & Reviews
Renoise 3.0 - Release notes

Renoise 3 gets Hardaily Titanium Award
May 28th, 2015"A very powerful, stable and very easy to use DAW"

Renoise 3 gets 10 out of 10 in issue 207 of Computer Music Magazine
July 25th, 2014"A fresh, viable and very stable option for anyone looking to replace or accompany (via ReWire) their current conventional DAW at an unquestionably good price"

Patterns, Instruments, Chains, Macros for More Musical Creativity
Dec 23, 2013"What, previous versions of Renoise weren’t enough to make you consider this music production underdog? Renoise 3 says, yes, you really, really need to pay attention this time, with powerful workflows for approaching instruments and arrangements in digital music making"
Renoise 2.8 - Release notes

Renoise 2.8: A super-charged soundtracker
Jun 2012"Renoise is a phenomenal music production tool, and if you have even half an interest in putting one note after another, it's worth the outlay"
Final verdict 11/10 (no, that is not a typo. Eleven out of ten!)

Renoise 2.8 Gets More Usable, 64-bit; Trackers 4ever
Mar 19, 2012"Will everyone drop everything and use Renoise? Odds are, no: this tool remains an acquired taste (though don’t dismiss until you’ve given its unique workflow a try). But, then, that’s part of the joy of this: it’s not an “industry standard.” It’s just an incredibly terrific music making tool that proves that not all music making tools need to look identical."
Renoise 2.7 - Release notes

Renoise 2.7 Adds Sample and Slice Savvy
Mar 13, 2011"I think it’s now probably the most complete music tool available on Linux, and even on Mac and Windows, has the most sophisticated native, built-in API for manipulation and customization and OSC control."
Renoise 2.6 - Release notes

Customization-Friendly Renoise 2.6 Arrives; Duplex Controllerism Explained
Nov 5th, 2010"Ever wish your music software could do something your way, something it can’t do now? Wish you could just get in there and change it yourself? That’s some of the ambition of Renoise 2.6, the multi-platform music creation tool. By opening up the entire music tracker to scripting, users can create custom functionality and control surface."
Renoise 2.1 - Release notes

Renoise 2.1.0 smacks Macworld's tracker veterans
Oct 1st, 2009"As veterans of the 80s tracking scene, our gobs were suitably smacked at the level of integration Renoise manages to achieve between old-school tracker tropes (the archaic HEX notation, the deceptively uncomplicated process of pattern editing) and contemporary frills (VST integration, realtime filters, huge track capacity, ReWire)."

Softonic's editor Nick Mead checks out Renoise 2.1.0
May 26th, 2009"If you're looking for a powerful digital audio workstation that doesn't come with a heavy price tag but is supported by a huge number of enthusiastic users, Renoise will certainly appeal."

Peter Kirn from Create Digital Music talks about Renoise 2.1
May 26th, 2009"2.1 you can sum up pretty easily: now you can integrate Renoise with other stuff easily. There's ReWire support. And if you're on Linux, you can pipe control and audio through the ultra-elegant, ultra-powerful JACK."
Renoise 2.0 - Release notes

Renoise gets 10 out of 10 in the May '09 issue of Computer Music Magazine
Apr 2nd, 2009"Whether you're an old hand or new to the world of trackers, Renoise 2.0 is probably the best one currently in existence."

In Linux Format 117, a Renoise 2 review from a Linux perspective; read online at Tux Radar
Mar 12th, 2009"If cross-platform usability is more important to you than freedom, Renoise may suit your needs perfectly."

Renoise 2 Launch exclusive at Create Digital Music
Jan 9th, 2009"The release of Renoise 2 means that this is actually our universe: we have a cheap, community driven, unique app that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux."

Create Digital Music glances over Renoise 2 Beta and interviews main developer Taktik
Sep 16th, 2008"As a tracker, the pattern editing in Renoise allows a “granular” level of control, for quick editing in textual views instead of visual blocks as in a piano roll. Whereas some retro-styled trackers don’t support modern features, Renoise has multi-core support, MIDI, VST instruments and effects, ASIO, audio recording, built-in effects, and flexible routing and mixing. It also has a built-in sampler and sample editing, so you can do audio manipulation from within Renoise as well as make use of your suite of instruments and effects. And the whole thing costs EUR49.99."
Renoise 1.9.1 - Release notes

Linux Journal gives a workshop about Renoise 1.9.1
Feb 4th, 2008"As far as I can tell they haven't rushed the production of the Linux version of Renoise, and their diligence shows in the overall polish to the package. The program installed easily, configures itself, and runs beautifully on both my 32-bit JAD system and my 64 Studio box."